In a moment I saw an old friend, a man in his mid-70’s and it could be early 80’s, one of those seemingly ageless types that will go in a...
In a moment I saw an old friend, a man in his mid-70’s and it could be early 80’s, one of those seemingly ageless types that will go in a...
The telephone is ubiquitous. It seems nearly a basic right, to be able to make a call and communicate. Even more, the cost of this...
Received a call today from a client, been imprisoned a long time - over 15 years - and we're waiting results of an appellate issue. He's...
Technology is written about all the time in the legal journals as lawyers in the civil world utilize digitization for storage,...
He had been a tradesman his working life, now retired after years of fulfilling but physically demanding labor. He was reasonably fit...
He was an older man compared to the majority with whom he was housed. In his early 40's, slight of build, 5 foot nine or ten, slightly...
Holidays celebrated with family are a special time for all, returning each of us to times past with memories of times as youth with...
Trials are the ultimate exercise for an attorney, and it takes specialized training to conduct one properly. It is an odd experience,...
While traversing Brooklyn's Heights and across to nearby Cobble Hill, there are plenty of criminal justice type edifices if you take the...
The Massachusetts Treatment Center is a low-profile angular brick structure located in a "correctional complex" in Bridgewater,...
The local state courthouse, a concrete bunker style structure with angled and terraced layers like an off-balance, layered cake, was...